“I have lost my smile, but don’t worry.
The dandelion has it."
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Looking Deeper: An In-depth Retreat for Students of Thich Nhat Hanh

SEPTEMBER 27-29, 2024

Join us for Looking Deeper: An In-depth Retreat for Students of Thich Nhat Hanh

With Vicki Seglin, Paul Norton & David Haskin
Siena Retreat Center, Racine, Wisconsin

In our beloved Plum Village tradition, we often start our group practice with a chant that begins: “The Dharma is deep and lovely.” Please join us for a special Looking Deeper retreat in which we will look deeply into the beauty and power of the foundational teachings of the Buddha and Thich Nhat Hahn (who we lovingly call Thay) as a means to alleviate suffering and to create joy and ease.

At this retreat, we will deeply explore why the Buddha and Thay believed that these teachings are essential to our well-being. And, since just knowing more about these teachings is only the first step, we will focus on practicing with those teachings so that they can become embodied within us. As that embodiment unfolds, the teachings can help guide us to wisdom, awareness and ease and diminish the power of our habit energy and the suffering that habit energy leads to.

As with all the Buddha’s teachings, this embodiment deepens as we meditate using the Buddha’s directions provided in sutras such as Satipatthana, also known as the Four Foundations of Mindfulness. So we will meditate more than is typical for Plum Village retreats. In addition to sitting and walking meditation, we will practice Mindful movement, listen to talks by the facilitators and have daily group Dharma sharing sessions. We will also walk on the Earth as a sangha each day (weather permitting).

Because deep looking requires deep silence both within us and around us, this retreat will truly be in Noble Silence, which will be lovingly enforced. This retreat is appropriate for any interested practitioner.

Prices, food, lodging: Tuition, room and board is $385. That fee includes a single room with private bath, towels, sheets and vegan meals. That fee covers only the bare expenses of the retreat and, following an ancient tradition, the facilitators are not compensated from the retreat fee. However, they will gratefully accept a free-will offering (dana in Sanskrit) after the retreat if you find the teachings helpful and if you are able.

Times and dates: The retreat is at the Siena Retreat Center north of Racine. It will begin promptly at 10 am on Friday, September 27, so plan to arrive no later than 9:30 to check and get settled. We will end mid-afternoon on Sunday, September 29.

Comfort: Please wear comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. If you use a meditation cushion or bench, please bring it. Chairs will be available for meditation. Note that Noble Silence is essential in a retreat of this this type and will be lovingly enforced.

The Facilitators

David Haskin, Vicki Seglin and Paul Norton have, collectively, almost 100 years of practice in the Plum Village tradition, including more than 50 years as ordained members of Thay’s Order of Interbeing.

David Haskin has practiced in Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village tradition since 1993. He is a senior member of SnowFlower Sangha in Madison, WI and was ordained into the Order of Interbeing in 2006, receiving the Dharma name True Lotus Taste. He frequently leads retreats for lay people and, as founder of the Wisconsin Prison Mindfulness Initiative (WPMI), he teaches Mindfulness in Wisconsin prisons.

Vicki Seglin has practiced in the Plum Village tradition since 1990. She was ordained into the Order of Interbeing in 2006, receiving the Dharma name True Boundless Compassion. She is a co-founder and facilitator of Fierce Compassion Sangha in Evanston IL.

Paul Norton is one of the founders of the Mindfulness Community of Milwaukee and is presently its Spiritual Director. He was ordained into the Order of Interbeing in 1999 with the Dharma name True Boundless Radiance.


To register, please download and fill out the form here. Once complete, please return it to
Paul Norton either via e-mail (paul.norton@milwaukeemindfulness.com) or by U.S. Mail at:

Paul Norton
Mindfulness Community of Milwaukee
1922 East Park Place
Milwaukee, WI 53211

There are two ways to pay. Make checks payable to Paul Norton and include payment with this
form via U.S. Mail.

You can also pay via PayPal at the Mindfulness Community of Milwaukee Web site’s donation page: https://milwaukeemindfulness.com/donations-payments/. Please note in PayPal that your payment is for the Looking Deeper Retreat.

If you have any questions about registration or payment, please email Paul Norton (paul.norton@milwaukeemindfulness.com). For any other questions, e-mail David Haskin (dhaskin@gmail.com).

AN IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT THE PRICE: As stated above, the retreat fee covers only the bare expenses of putting on this retreat and does not provide compensation for the teachers. Following the ancient tradition, David, Vicki and Paul will gratefully accept dana (the Sanskrit word for generosity) as a free-will offering from those who attend the retreat. Please do not add dana to the registration fees but, rather, consider offering dana after retreat if you find the teachings helpful and if you are able.

CANCELLATIONS AND REFUNDS: Refunds and cancellations are not possible unless we receive your cancellation by (or before) September 13. To cancel and get a refund, please notify Paul Norton (paul.norton@milwaukeemindfulness.com) no later than September 13.

Download Flyer for Information & Registration


Siena Retreat Center
5637 Erie St, Racine, WI, 53402, United States

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Mindfulness Community of Milwaukee