“I have lost my smile, but don’t worry.
The dandelion has it."
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Meditation & Group Self-Inquiry

December 1, 2023

Fridays at 6:00 PM

This Friday meeting focuses on growing self-knowledge and awareness through meditation and group self-inquiry.

The meetings will consist of a 30-minute opening meditation, followed by 2 Dyad sessions (two 40-minute Dyads with one 10-minute walking or sitting contemplation in between), closing with another 30-minute meditation.

Meeting Timeline

  • 20 minutes – Opening meditation
  • 10 minutes – Explanation of the process (if new participants)
  • 40 minutes – Dyads
  • 10 minutes – walking or sitting contemplation (Good time to come or go if participating in either half of the meeting)
  • 40 minutes – Dyads
  • 20 minutes – Closing meditation (integration)
  • 10 minutes – Group share about what’s going on in each persons practice

Partner Self-Inquiry
The partner self-inquiry sessions (called Dyads) are a mix of meditation, self-inquiry, and communication. While seated across from a partner, one intends to directly experience their being while communicating what is arising. The two partners take turns doing this with each other for the 40-minute period.

Information and Participation
Registered participants are welcome to come for the whole meeting, or for either half.

Recommended (but not required) donation of $5 to the Milwaukee Mindfulness Center

For more information or to register to participate please contact David: davidnlagrange@hotmail.com

Mindfulness Community of Milwaukee