“I have lost my smile, but don’t worry.
The dandelion has it."
– Thich Nhat Hanh
Peace Is Every Step: The Path of Mindfulness in Everyday Life

Mindfulness in Everyday Life: The Intravaganza

December 1, 2023

Winter 2024
Eleven Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm
An exploration of mindfulness

Paul Norton will once again teach his basic eleven week mindfulness class. It is good for new people and experienced practitioners alike. This will be in the center only, no Zoom. $225 per person, $375 for couples. You may take an individual session for $25. Scholarships are available. For questions or to register, please contact Paul Norton at paul.norton@milwaukeemindfulness.com

January 4: Basic Definitions; informal practice
January 11: Sitting and Walking Meditation; formal practice
January 18:Mindfulness of Body
January 25: Mindfulness of Feeling Tone
February 1: Mindfulness of Mind
February 8: Mindfulness of the World
February 15: Four Noble truths
February 22: Lovingkindness
February 29: Compassion
March 7: Sympathetic Joy
March 14: Equanimity/ Graduation

All classes led by Paul Norton, M.D., Order of Interbeing
$225 single/ $375 couples/$25 individual class
Milwaukee Mindfulness Practice Center, 1922 East Park Place
To register Email: paul.norton@milwaukeemindfulness.com

Mindfulness Community of Milwaukee